MySecondLine offers you a unique voice mail option that will always keep you up to date. Our revolutionary feature enables you to hear your voice messages and also transcribes them into text messages that you can read whenever available.

How it Works
Easy to Activate
Our Voicemail feature is easy to activate directly from the app every time you are busy to answer a call. You will never have to worry about your missed calls again.
Immediate notification
Our app will immediately notify you after receiving a new voicemail. Whenever you are not available to answer, your colleagues and friends can leave a voicemail that you can listen to any time you want.
Transcribe your voicemail into text messages
We offer you a superstar voicemail feature that can transcribe all your voicemails into text messages. Our upgrading option will transcribe all your voicemails automatically.

How We Benefit You

Set according to your needs
A simple step leads you to enable or disable the voicemail feature according to your needs. Whether you are a busy professional, a traveling individual, or you need to take a nap, our voicemail feature will have all the information ready for when you are available.

Save time and money
Our voicemail transcription allows you to focus on your daily activities without having to answer your calls, yet always stay tuned. Less time talking on the phone means more productive work and satisfied clients.

Stay connected with your contacts
We help you to keep in touch with your loved ones even when you’re not able to pick up the phone. Listen or read their messages whenever you have time by using the MySecondLine app.
Customer Stories

Never lost a single customer and client!
“The voicemail keeps a constant connection between my clients and my employees. They can always leave a voice message after our working hours, and it gets transcribed automatically for us. We never lost a single client since we started using the MySecondLine app!”
George Winters, insurance company owner

Always in touch with my daughter
“I am a wildlife photographer traveling all around the world. Most of the time, it’s impossible for me to attend calls from my family and even listen to voicemails in the woods. I love reading the transcribed messages from my 4-year old daughter because it makes me feel like I’m back home with her all the time.” “
Michael Wong, a wildlife photographer

I got a new job thanks to this app!
“Answering a call while teaching acting to my students is quite an impossible task. In the past, I’ve lost many audition calls because I was busy teaching. Now, I get an immediate notification when my voicemail gets transcribed, and I can read it during my class. I landed a commercial gig five days after downloading this app. MySecondLine rules!”
Mary Lewis Crane, actress/acting professor
Users Love Us
My husband works in construction, so I can’t understand his voice messages very often. MySecondLine transcribes them automatically for me, so now I always know what he wants for dinner!
My three children can always send me voicemails while I’m flying across the country, and I get notified immediately. Being home away from home is priceless to me.
My clients love how attentive I am! I never miss a message from them and make sure everyone gets a seat in my new restaurant.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do my Voicemails transcribe automatically?
Yes. All you need to do is upgrade the voicemail feature.
Can the Voicemail feature be accessed on all devices?
Yes. You can listen to your voicemails or read the transcription on any device you have installed MySecondLine.
Are MySecondLine Voicemail and my regular voicemail separated?
Yes. MySecondLine Voicemail is apart from your regular voicemail, and it will only be active for your MySecondLine number.